Take an Armchair Historic Tour with Muffy Loves Aurora

Inspired by the Aurora 2020 “bears in the windows,” Muffy VanderBear is leading Facebook posts (Muffy Loves Aurora) around our national historic district.  Originally begun as something for children to look at on a walk in town, the posts plan to feature all of the district’s streets this spring.  On the city’s website you can follow along and see many more photographs in the Historic Review Board’s “thrilling” document, Aurora Colony Historic Resources Inventory, and a short history and architectural description of EVERY property in the district. 

Muffy is a small bear sold for years in Aurora and the page is written by Historic Review Board member Karen Townsend.  You can see Muffy on the Townsend’s door or shared to the I Love Aurora Facebook group.  We would love to have any of your stories about these properties as they come up.  Of particular interest, the Inventory was recently updated by Patrick Harris with an HRB federal grant, adding some historical information about original owners.  To access the document, click this link: https://www.ci.aurora.or.us/sites/default/files/fileattachments/historic...