Water/Sewer Service

Fill out and return the Water/Sewer Service Application along with a check, cash or money order payable to “City of Aurora” in the amount of $150.00. This amount includes a $15.00 application fee as well as a $135.00 refundable deposit, which is applied to the account after one year if the account is in good standing. If the applicant is not the owner of the property, the owner must co-sign the application. If the property is managed by a management company, the company’s information must also be furnished.

Current Rates:

The City of Aurora charges water user fees per two-month billing cycle according to the size of water meter installed as follows:

  • 3/4” Meter $34.81 (standard residential)
  • 1” Meter $44.89
  • 1.5" Meter $58.35
  • 2” Meter $95.33


Water users also pay for actual consumption at a tiered rate as follows:

  • Tier 1 - up to 1200 cf - $ 0.07 per cubic foot
  • Tier 2 - 1201 - 1800 cf - $ 0.075 per cubic foot
  • Tier 3 - 1801 cf and up - $ 0.08 per cubic foot 


The flat sewer rate for two months is $145.54. There is also a street light fee of $7.50 and a street repaving fee of $5.00 every two months.


To End Service:

Please notify the City of Aurora by phone or in person at least 24 hours before you vacate the residence. A final meter read will be done for final billing purposes.  If we do not have an application for the new occupant, water will be shut off.